Tuesday, August 31, 2010


          As a good portion of my friends are going back to Claremont this week, I am starting to feel really nostalgic. I want to go back to school, and everytime I mention it to people, they shun me and tell me how lucky I am to have a job, and not to complain. Anyway, I'm making a list as to the benefits of my workplace vs the benefits of going back to school this week.

Entertainment Job/ Real World
  1. I get paid (not well but it's money in the bank)
  2. I dont' have to pay rent (For NOW)
  3. I get benefits (medical, dental, vision, etc, etc) now...which is really the biggest benefit I feel.
  4. I get free movie tickets (screenings and incentives)
  5. I get to build my career/resume
  6. I get home cooked meals and my mom stocks the fridge with the beer of my choice.
  7. My mom offers to pack my lunch and still does my laundry.
  8. I get access to whatever movies and tv shows the "Company" has produced in the past 10 years(hours of entertainment while I'm at home doing nothing/not going out with friends).
  9. I have a nice new boss, who doesn't scream, yell, or ask for too much (to pick up a hemroid perscription), although if he needed it, I would.
  10. I use the gym in the building and get a discount.
  11. I get access to the best food trucks LA has to offer.
  12. I'm actually in LA (this can really be a pro and a con).
  13. I get to tell people I have a job in this economy (which for some reason turns heads today, even though I didn't get this job without help from other people)
  1. I get my friends all in one place
  2. My parents pay for everything (Food, Housing, Alcohol/Drug Fund)
  3. I get to learn (haha, I just had to throw this in there)
  4. I get to party/relax as much as I want
  5. I get a sports team ( a brotherhood unlike any other)
  6. I get a suite of my own to throw parties and soiree's in
  7. I get freedom of my schedule
  8. I get Kikiryki, Los Dos, Alberto's, Back Abbey, and 21 choices whenever the fuck I want.
  9. I get to take Organizational Studies classes with Jeff Lewis and go out for a brew with him after class.
  10. I get campus thrown parties for me virtually every weekend, where I don't have to shell out dollars for a drink.
  11. I get to enjoy not only the weekends but everything in between.
  12. I get the snow capped mountains to wake up and look at every morning.
  13. I get the option of driving home and doing my laundry/to have home cooked meals
  14. Vegas is only 3 and a half hours away as opposed to over 5.
This is just the beginning of a long discussion, but the point of the matter is I miss my Claremont family a lot!
Comment and let me know what you would add to the list...

Oh and check out this sick dunk: http://www.yougotdunkedon.com/2009/01/tj-ford-dunks-on-chris-kaman.html

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